Archivi categoria: IT

HOWTO: Use iptables with CentOS 7

Thanks to Rackspace Community for this nice howto. Starting with RHEL 7 / CentOS 7, firewalld was introduced to manage iptables. As such, you will either need to use firewall-cmd commands or disable firewalld and enable iptables. If you prefer … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in IT, linux | Contrassegnato , | Lascia un commento

Get list of running processes on remote Windows machine

The tasklist /S <remotemachine> command will output a list of all running processes on remote machine. Or better, in Powershell, you could use: get-process or get-wmiobject WIN32_PROCESS (gwmi is an alias for get-wmiobject) If you want CPU usage in percentage, use gwmi Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process To sort output … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in IT, powershell, windows | Contrassegnato , , | Lascia un commento

Install VMware tools in Linux guest (RedHat Enterprise Linux or Centos)

I often have to install VMware tools on linux guests, so I wrote down a very basic bash script to automate installation. You only have to: copy-and-paste following lines into a text file on your Linux vm (let’s say … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in IT, linux, vmware | Lascia un commento

how to find dns device names from Citrix udadmin output

With udadmin.exe (a command line Citrix XenDesktop tool to find licenses usage data) when you list all licensed users and devices (with -list -a switches), devices show up in an 8-character alpha-numeric format, not real DNS device names. Thanks to Quazi … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in citrix | Contrassegnato , , , | Lascia un commento

What is the URL for a CentOS 6 netinstall?

When installing Linux Centos 6.x netinstall (minimal CD that downloads packages only on-demand), at the beginning of the setup, after network configuration, it prompts you for a “URL setup” (the address of a centos mirror to download installation from). I … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in IT, linux | Contrassegnato , , , , , | Lascia un commento

How do I enable ownership of an external drive?

Open Disk utility, copy the name of the drive – ex: “MyBackup” In Finder search and open terminal. In terminal, it may ask for user name and password – enter them. Copy and paste this: sudo /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/MyBackup (Change … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in IT, mac | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento